application of python language
1) Web Development
2) Game Development
3) Scientific And Numeric Applications
4) Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
5) Software Development
6) Enterpriselevel Business Applications
7) Education Programs And Training Courses
8) Language Development
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Python is a free, open-source, high-level and interpreter based programming language, which can be used for a multitude of scientific and non-scientific computing purposes.
Invention: By Guido Van Rossum in 1991
•Web applications
•Desktop applications
•Software development
•Business applications
•Scientific and numeric applications
•Console-based applications
Advantages: Python:
•Is a free and an open source programming language
•Is portable and platform independent
•Is an interpreted language
programs are easy to understand
•Has a rich library of predefined functions
•Is helpful in web development
Other Features: Python:
•Is case sensitive
•Uses indentation for blocks and nested blocks
•Lesser libraries, as compared to C++, Java, etc...
•Slow language: As it is an interpreted language, it executes the program slowly...
•Weak on Type-Binding: Python does not pin-point on the usage of a single variable for different data types...
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Hope it helps you! ヅ
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