CBSE BOARD XII, asked by yahoo534, 1 year ago

(Application of Schrödinger equation to
multi-electron atoms presents a difficulty: the
Schrödinger equation cannot be solved exactly
for a multi-electron atom. This difficulty can
be overcome by using approximate methods.
[[[Such calculations with the aid of modern
computers show that orbitals in atoms other
than hydrogen do not differ in any radical way
from the hydrogen orbitals discussed above.
The principal difference lies in the consequence
of increased nuclear charge. Because of this
all the orbitals are somewhat contracted.]]]
Further, as you shall see later (in subsections
2.6.3 and 2.6.4), unlike orbitals of hydrogen
or hydrogen like species, whose energies
depend only on the quantum number n, the
energies of the orbitals in multi-electron atoms
depend on quantum numbers n and L.

**PLEASE EXPLAIN THE LINE UNDER** [[[ ....... ]]]​


Answered by DHEERAJOK


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