application to principal for leave of absence by teacher to attend job exam
the principal
x y z school
x y city
date : __/__/____
subject : leave application for attending job exam
dear sir / madam
this is to inform you that I am a teacher of your school. in English subject. i had to attend a job exam as i had applied on that job vacancies. as i am in this school for practice of my teaching skills.
i request you to please grant me leave for two days i.e x date to y date. i will be thankful to you
thanking you
yours faithfully
My dear principal
you write your school name ok
From class write your class ok
I am writing for leave of one day for preparing my job exam so I need 1 day for exam I need total 2 day as I go with my parents for their checkup I am
write your name ok teacher of write your class for biology and chemistry. I request you to please approve my 2 days leave application for tomorrow and also arrange for my class during my absence
Your obedient write your name ok
where I write your name you write your name ok