appreciation of this poem Song of rain
'Song of the rain' is a poem by Khalil Gibran describing the heavenly beauty of the rain.The poem is written in the first person (I,me my)and the rain itself is the speaker.The rain looks like silver threads dropped from heaven.It describes it's brith,it comes down to the earth and it's departure much like the cycle of birth and death of living beings.The rain says,it rises from the heart of the sea and rises in the sky to form clouds.The clouds are overloaded with water.So it becomes painful to the clouds.Furthermore,the cloud wants to meat it's lover,the field,lower down.So it rains from the clouds.The rain water meats the field and makes it happy.At the same time,the cloud gets relief when it becomes light by releasing the water as rain.The rain gives happiness to everything of the earth-the trees,flowers and all.Thumder announces its arrival and rainbow announces its departure.Thus the rain is a messenger of love,mercy and blessing.a
The poem is so realistic that the reader can see the rain as the person.He can visualise it's birth and it's meeting with the field as the messenger of the cloud.
The poet has made the poem attractive by the use of figures of speech-similes, metaphors,and instances of personification.
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The appreciation of this poem Song of the Rain.
Nature has gifted us in various ways among which rain is the most delightful one, nothing can be compared to the beauty of the rain. It touches human lives like no other natural phenomenon.
- Khalil Gibran does justice to these statements, the poem is in the form of a letter where rain introduces itself.
- The narrator discusses the beauty of the rain by saying 'I have dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by God.' Nature, the mother of all is described ad adorning her fields and valleys with rain. The rain which talks like a man tells us from where it is taken.
- The poet describes the rain saying that we are mesmerized by the benevolent acts done by the rain.