Are alien real ? Reason
Today, scientists know that there are millions, perhaps billions of planets in the universe that could sustain life. So, in the long history of everything, why hasn't any of this life made it far enough into space to shake hands (or claws … or tentacles) with humans? It could be that the universe is just too big to traverse.
It could be that the aliens are deliberately ignoring us. It could even be that every growing civilization is irrevocably doomed to destroy itself (something to look forward to, fellow Earthlings).

I'm wondering: are aliens real? I have watched shows about UFO's and aliens but I just see pictures .
But I believe that aliens or other creatures exists far away from earth which may be not so intellectual and may be like animals with different body types. Alien may visited to earth but humans didn't identified them.
And on controversual side answer can be:
Aliens are not real. At least, people who claim that they have seen aliens never have any good proof to back up their claims. You should never believe something unless it can be proven, and a lot of times people who say that they saw a UFO or an alien are either trying to get attention, or saw or experienced something that they don't understand.