Sociology, asked by demongotflower, 6 months ago

Are Indians racist? ​


Answered by khushiagarwal27611


yes they only love fair people m..

demongotflower: Yuh that's so true!
khushiagarwal27611: yup thanks
khushiagarwal27611: i am also suffering from that
khushiagarwal27611: so i can feel
demongotflower: awh np
khushiagarwal27611: yup
Answered by gopeshmeena44
In February of 2016, a Tanzanian student in Bangalore was pulled out of her car, assaulted and stripped by an angry mob after a 35-year-old pedestrian was knocked down by a Sudanese student in another car. This horrific incident added fuel to the “India is racist” debate, with light being shone on various other indicators of our racial intolerance as a country. Terms such as “colonial hangover” and “xenophobia” flew across social media, and the hypocrisy of our intolerance was pointed out, since Indians travelling abroad often complain about white-world countries discriminating against them for being “brown.
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