Are we too dependent on computer or mobile in essay
Starting at a young age now, children are learning how to use a computer for fun and for learning. One advantage is that it takes an increased manual dexterity to operate a computer mouse and keyboard, but at the same time, children are losing out on the increased fine motor skills that come with writing their name and assignments out in long hand. Handwriting is a necessary skill that is not likely to find a replacement in the world of technology.
Computers can also lead to an educational environment where spelling skills are lost. This is even true for adults who consider themselves good spellers. Many word processing programs auto correct misspelled words and the writer never even knows that they have made a mistake. Everyone loves efficiency and while it certainly speeds up the writing process, it leads to the enforcement of common misspellings.
The most important issue in the debate on whether or not people are becoming too dependant on computers is one of safety. Many people share intimate details with others online, leaving them vulnerable to cyber-stalking and real life issues. Also, many people have so much of their personal, financial information stored online that they are at risk of losing their fortunes, or even just the grocery money for next week. Cyber attacks are frequent occurrences and it is important for individuals to keep their online information private and secure. For example, bank passwords should all be different and include letters, numbers, and at least one special character.
People will only know if they are too dependent on computers by examining their own lives, including the amount of time they spend online and the quantity and quality of information they share. When people begin forsaking flesh and blood relationships for thair computers the danger zone is fast approaching. However, if a person is able to find a safe, secure, and healthy balance, then they are probably not in danger of becoming too depemdent on their computers.
Hope it helps. Have a great day!
Let's start with the topic. First of all what is a mobile ? Umm everyone familiar with it. Mobile is a device which is nowadays used for performing many functions. For example, we can use mobile for communication over large distances, send text messages, play games, find friends online etc.
But what if we are everytime indulged in using phone. Not a good thing to always stick on our phone. Nowadays we find students storing answer in mobile while exams, people using phone while driving which can be dangerous for our life.
Also, mobile has brought our life to an ease like if we are struck in traffic we can call anyone for our help. Or in any case of emergency, we can inform the person who is sitting miles away.
Use of technology is good, but it should be done in an efficient way. So it would be neither a boon nor bane.