Are worms baby snakes?
Worm Snake. ... Feeding/Diet: Worm snakes are common in damp woodlands where they feed primarily on earthworms, which they swallow alive. Rarely they may eat soft-bodied insect larvae or slugs. Activity/Behavior: Worm snakes are active from early spring to late fall.
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Carphophis amoenus
Description: Wormsnakes are small, shiny snakes that have black, gray or brown backs with pink or whitish bellies. Their light belly coloration extends partially up onto their sides. Wormsnakes have a distinctive sharp point or spine on their tails. They have tiny eyes and very small, pointed heads for burrowing after insects and earthworms. Juveniles are similar to the adults, but they may be slightly darker.”
Feeding/Diet: Worm snakes are common in damp woodlands where they feed primarily on earthworms, which they swallow alive. Rarely they may eat soft-bodied insect larvae or slugs.
Activity/Behavior: Worm snakes are active from early spring to late fall. They remain underground for most of their lives, but they spend time on the surface primarily during warm months at night.
Habitat/Range: They are often found in rotting logs, but may burrow deep into the soil during hot, dry spells. They are found typically in cool, moist hardwood forests and along rocky, wooded hillsides.
Reproduction: Worm snakes lay 1–8 eggs during early summer. The eggs hatch in late summer or early fall.
Miscellaneous: Worm snakes never bite, but are usually very “wiggly” when held in the hand. Worm snakes often press the spine of their tail against captors, but not with enough force to penetrate the skin.