English, asked by hshimanshu4071, 10 months ago

Arrange the following sentences sequentially:

1Chubukov arrives and takes side with Natalya.
2Lomov starts talking of his land that Natalya thinks it is owned by her.
3Natalya tells Chubukov to call Lomov. Lomov arrives and they quarrel
again regarding whose pet dog is better.
4Lomov goes to Chubukov's house to seek hand of Chubukov's daughter.
5Chubukov tells the purpose behind Lomov's visit to Natalya.
6Lomov becomes unconscious. Chubukov gives her daughter's hand to
7Agrument continues and Lomov leaves their house.
8Lomov tells Chubukov the purpose of his visit. Chubukov consents him to
marry his daughter.
9Lomov explains Natalya that he owns the land. Argument continues
between Lomov and Natalya.


Answered by shiva7472


again regarding whose pet dog is better.

4Lomov goes to Chubukov's

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