Art is a medium of recording and preserving what os seen.
(Identify the main clause and subordinate clause and state it's kind)
pls help its urgent please
Art is a medium of recording and preserving - main clause
What is seen - subordinate clause
What is the main clause and subordinate clause?
- The Main clause makes sense on its own and also exists on its own.
- Subordinate clause does not make sense on its own and cannot be a sentence on its own.
- The subordinate clause explains the meaning in the main clause.
- Two main clauses are joined by and, but or or
- When a sentence consists of the main and subordinate clauses they are joined by subordinating conjunction.
- Internet browsing is very popular today because it is very convenient.
- Riya who was playing on slides, was excited.
on slides, was excited. - While waiting for the train, John ate his breakfast.
(subordinate clause is in italic font)
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