Artical on empect on over population
Here's Your Answer mate !!
Impact Of Overpopulation
Of all the problems ailing the entire mankind, population is
the most threatening. Sir David
Attenborough has very wisely said: “Instead of controlling the environment for
the benefit of the population, maybe we should control the population to ensure
the survival of our environment.”
Undoubtedly the exponential growth in the world population has posed serious
threats to mankind. According to the UNICEF estimates an average of 353,000
babies are born each day around the world. Owing to the advancement in
standards of living and better medical facilities, the mortality rate is the
lowest. More number of babies means more demand for food, more urbanization,
more industrialization, more consumption of natural resources, more burning of
fossil fuel which means more emission of green house and toxic gases into the
The planet earth has already reached a critical state. It is
like an ailing planet. The environment has already been damaged critically.
Global warming, world forests disappearing at alarming rate, and invaluable
plants and animals going extinct at unrelenting pace have already jeopardized
our beautiful planet. There is one cause at the root of all problems—population
explosion. If the population is not controlled immediately, especially in the
developing countries, the world is bound to face environmental catastrophe.
There may come a day when the natural life-supporting system might fail owing
to undue burden of human population on them.
The Governments of all the countries of the world along with
the cooperation of their peoples must control population before it is too late.
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