English, asked by Ayush20061, 11 months ago

Artical on importance of morning walk​


Answered by sujit1970dutta


A walk in the fresh air leads to proper blood flow circulation in the body. It creates heat, which leads to the burning of excessive fat and helps you get back into shape. It makes you rise early, and creates good space for breakfast in your stomach.




Answered by Aayushbassi


Walking is a form of good exercise. A walk in the morning is very beneficial for health. It is a light exercise. It keeps us healthy and fit. It is good for both physical and mental health.

The whole environment is calm and quiet in the morning. There is hardly a noise or any other disturbance. Nature is at best in the morning. The cool fresh air inhaled in the morning keeps us energetic, happy and fit for the whole day. A morning walk is good for our legs, arms, chest and waist. In fact, it is a good exercise for the whole body. Fresh air improves our normal bodily function. It increases our energy level. It regulates our digestive system. This leads to a feeling of fitness and activeness.

I am an early riser. I get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. My father is a hard task master. He always makes us hear the proverb “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. He always tells us the advantages of good health. So we are made to leave our bed in the early morning and are asked to get ready for the morning walk.

Our locality has abundance of parks. I went to have a walk in one of the lush green parks. I was surprised to see lots of people there, who were there for morning walk. Cool breeze was blowing. It was pleasant to be there in the morning. The cool, calm, quiet atmosphere presented a very beautiful scene. There were sounds of chirping birds which filled me with joy. The whispering sound of green leaves, the dew drops on the edges of grass, the soft rays of rising sun all presented a healthy and beautiful sight.

Different people have their own different ways of maintaining good health. Some people were engaged in doing yoga. Several of them were doing meditation. Some were jogging. Many of them were doing different asanas. In one corner children were playing with ball. A group of young boys was enjoying the early hours by playing hockey. It served two purposes at a time. It was a source of entertainment and exercise as well. Some boys were running in circles. A yoga teacher was teaching different asanas to a group of children. Some elderly persons were clapping and laughing. Their cracking laughter made other people laugh also. I also did jogging and took some light exercises. When the sun went up I came back.

A morning walk has another advantage also. It gives an opportunity to interact with various people. We meet and greet them. This casual meeting later turns into good friendship.

Hope this help u

please mark as brainliest

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