article in about 150 words on importance of newspaper
Newspaper provides us with information collected from around the globe. It also helps to develop new ideas, and at times guide the common man how to think and discuss.
We may say that today we are living in a newspaper culture. Whether in English or other regional languages, almost every man gets benefited from newspaper.
A newspaper acts an important medium to control corruption and scams.
Newspaper is a mode of mass communication. It is very helpful in creating social awareness. Newspaper raises voices against social issues such as child labor, dowry system, etc. They urge the common people to act and behave in a rational manner.
We get the information of the forthcoming movies and television shows through a newspaper. It also contains a list of multiplexes with time-schedule for the movies.
A wide coverage of information is obtained at low cost though newspaper. It also influences the habit of thinking in men. It has also seen that illiterate adults are taking up education to read newspaper.
There are such dailies that trade on such dirty tricks for survival. Being politically left or right, they misrepresent strikes and lockouts. Events like bank robbery and train accident or similar untoward events are distorted or exaggerated. They deliberately make their news sensational because it helps them increase their TRP.
The dignity and reputation of a newspaper rests on the degree of their fidelity to truth and fearless reporting. It is our cheapest and most powerful weapon in the last analysis.
We get the daily newspaper at our doorstep every morning. The newspaper has many pages and has a great deal of information. We can read about happenings of the previous day or earlier in our city, in the rest of our country and around the world too. It includes topics such as politics, economy, science, environment, business and sports. There is also an interesting children’s section. There are important announcements too that are published in the newspaper. There is something useful and interesting for everyone in the family in the day’s paper. And so we like to read the newspaper.