Article on advemture
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If a holiday isn't a holiday unless you've scared yourself senseless hanging from a rope, clinging from a rock face or diving from a plane then this bunch of travel articles should help provide adequate food for thought. Bungee Jumping, Sky Diving, Abseiling, Rock Climbing, Paragliding and Hot Air Ballooning are just some of the things our intrepid scribes have road tested for you, all in the name of research you understand.Read first-hand accounts of how it feels to be hurling to the ground, learn how to steer a hot air balloon (tip: you can't) and find out how you too can scour a rock face. Practical advice, tips and even videos are available to inspire and inform, and photos complete the line-up of our action packed insights.So, go forth and select your next nail biting challenge, because as this selection of adventures prove; there's so much more to a memorable holiday than simply laying on a beach...
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Ah, the intoxicating lure of adventure: sea-kayaking off the Galapagos; dog-sledding across the Arctic Circle; hiking through the mystery-land Bhutan. A panel of adventure travel experts-well, really two travel company owners, a magazine editor and a physical therapist-faced 40 or so eager and fit-looking thrill-seekers a recent spring night at Niketown to talk about trends in this fast-growing industry. The physical therapist told them how to save their knees after a week of...TRAVELChina by sidecar, JeepBy Phil Marty, Special to Tribune Newspapers | March 11, 2014Backyard Travel specializes in tours in Asia and trumpets its location there as giving it the advantage in providing an insider's view of the continent. Many of the company's trips try to plow new ground in visiting what sometimes are familiar destinations. An example is the two-day Ancient Xian by Vintage Sidecar & Jeep tour. Xian, of course, is a popular destination in China for those wanting to see the ancient wonder that is the Terracotta Army. Riding in a vintage motorcycle sidecar and Jeep-style...
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