English, asked by 1yuvrajgupta, 9 months ago



Answered by elsahills04

Most of us have a childhood memory of waking up to the sparrow chirps. The small birds used to be all over the verandas and the balconies early in the morning. However, over the time, these birds started vanishing and their place was taken by long electric cables in the balcony and their nests were replaced by the concrete jungles of the city.

Sadly, the sparrow population has been disappearing at an alarming rate. Due to a decrease in numbers, a bird as common as the sparrow was included by the IUCN in its Red Data List of threatened species in 2002 alongside the glamorous snow leopard, tiger, and red panda.

Answered by aditi9540


We must have heard from our parents or grandparents about the birds which used to wake them up in their childhood. For us it all seems to be a fantasy because now as we all must have seen how fast are the birds disappearing from the city houses.

Now days it is difficult to find a single bird in our houses. All this is because of the deforestation and increasing pollution.

We humans cut down trees for our own things but we never think of those innocent creatures who live on trees.

Their home is destroyed because of us.

So we all must plant more trees to protect their home and save them from getting extinct.

hope this helps u

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