English, asked by Pinksh, 1 year ago

Article on :-
Boons and curses of cell phone for college student


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Boons And Curses of Cell Phones

Each and everything has two sides – good and bad. Similarly, mobile phones also have boons as well as curses. The IT revolution has made the internet network so fast and easily accessible. As a result we are using Whatsapp, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, Instagram, etc. more often sharing our latest whereabouts regularly, daily, or hourly! We wish our friends, relatives good morning, good afternoon, good, evening, or good night almost daily using picture messages or videos. Was social life ever so active in the past? We send receive invitations, news, and one another’s views through these socializing applications! What will you call this exchange of information? Is it lowered active social life or heightened active social life?

Mobile phones have made our life so easy and full of comforts! Everything is available online now. Our mobile phones have become our e-wallets, e-books, e-payments, e-files, e-folders, etc. Our mobile phones are connected with our Adhar Card, Bank Account, Loans, etc. We do our buying and other transactions using our mobile phones. Life without mobile phones is almost impossible in the modern times. It is neither addiction nor any distraction. Rather it is a basic necessity in the contemporary times.

Let’s now ponder over the banes of mobile phones. Mobiles have become a source of major distractions for the students. Young boys and girls seem to have become inordinately addicted to these sites. They are thoughtlessly and uselessly wasting their precious time on these useless sites.

The overuse of mobile has posed serious health issues. Radiation caused by microwaves emitting from network towers as well as mobile phones, eyesight getting affected due to exposure to mobile screen for hours, etc. are some of the health issues. Besides, mobile phones are also responsible for difficulty in concentration, fatigue, headaches and sleep disturbance that can further trigger health complications. Owing to late night use of mobile phones, the youngsters skimp on sleep which further causes health consequences. This has made them aggressive and irritated.

The other major disadvantage of the increasing use of such networking sites is the spread of obscenity. This is having a very negative impact on the impressionable minds of our young children and leading them astray. The parents, teachers and the government must look into the problems being caused by mobiles and these networking sites and must formulate a strategy either to curb or completely stop its fast growing negative influence on the minds of our youth. Our youth is the future of our nation. We cannot allow this youth to waste their precious time on mobiles doing the Facebook. The same time must be spent on studying, researching and developing leadership or other life-skills.

In conclusion it can be said, mobile phones have advantages and disadvantages both. We must use them with discretion.

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