Article on capital punishment v s life imprisonment debate
Life in prison is thought to be a more humane and less cruel sentence than the death penalty. Life in prison still offers a person a chance to enjoy parts of their life, by still being able to keep it touch with their families. Someone who is placed in prison in their twenties has a chance to grow up and see what they did was wrong. This is where the problem comes in for most people, because some people change. The history of the death penalty is not new it’s been around for hundreds of years. The death penalty was used in American by the start of the American Revolution; the death penalty was used in all 13 colonies. Rhode Island was the only colony that did not have at least 10 crimes punishable by death. (Reggio, 2009) It should come at no real shock that Rhode Island was the first state to outlaw the death penalty for all crimes. At one point in our history public executions, such as hangings, where thought to be cruel so it was then changed to private exactions. Our Founding Fathers allowed for death penalty when writing the constitution in 1787. At one point in our history public executions, such as hangings, where thought to be cruel so it was then changed to private exactions. On August 6, 1890, New York State used an 'electric chair' to carry out the first execution by electrocution. As it turned out, the process was hardly quick or painless. Despite the gruesome procedure, people still thought electrocution was more humane and efficient than previous