English, asked by pinkihardik82pe9ygm, 1 year ago

article on cruelty towards animal


Answered by Bhoomicharu
Short Essay on Animal Cruelty

Article shared by Bhoomi Agrawal

When God created this planet he had a specific purpose for all living things and He did so to strike a balance in his creation. He wanted a world where harmony and peace prevailed and so He made the ‘Food Chain’ why maintains the ecological balance in Nature but Man in his greed recklessly been plundering the natural abode of animals, killing the! Indiscriminately for pleasure, for food, for their skin and other parts of the body, and training some to serve his needs.

Slowly and gradually, with the passage of time, he became so arrival and selfish that he started believing that the planet was made only fool him. He also started using animals for scientific research in the field J medicine, cosmetic industry etc. In his bid to know more and more, 111 carried out experiments on them, treated them as scientific tools and! Stopped feeling their pain.

I do not mean that all research should be stopped but if an animal is in pain! it should be put to death rather than just letting it live, for animals too feel pain, moreover, we can also ensure that they are looked after well.

Similarly, birds and some animals, used to living in the wilds, are poured just to sell them as pets, where they are kept in cages or in surroundings alien to their natural habitat.

plz mark me as a brainlist : )

Bhoomicharu: hlo
Bhoomicharu: good as always
Bhoomicharu: what about your dood
Answered by ishu8424


The animal welfare position holds that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and research, but that it should be done in a way that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering, sometimes referred to as "humane" treatment.

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