article on each one feed one
Each one feed one
Once, an angel appeared in a wise man’s dream. The latter asked him what the difference is between Heaven and Hell. The celestial being smilingly replied, “There is not much difference between Heaven and Hell. In Hell everyone lives to feed oneself; but in Heaven everyone lives to feed his fellow brethren.”
Ill distribution of resources, wealth, and power is one of the many crises our world has been facing since the dawn of modern civilization. Industrialization brought many unforeseen problems in its wake. The poor got further poorer; while the rich became further richer. This lopsided distribution of the world’s wealth is the cause of millions of people living in impoverished conditions. According to World Food Programme statistics 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about one in nine people on earth. Asia is the continent with the most hungry people - two thirds of the total. The percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly.
Keeping the above mentioned data, it becomes the bounden responsibility of the haves to come forward to the help of their fellow suffering brethren. If all the affluent people shoulder the responsibility of feeding the less fortunate people, this problem can be addressed to quite some extent. People who have sound financial condition, must adopt at least one fellow man/woman, and help him/her. The government of such countries as have maximum number of people who cannot afford two square meals for themselves, must ensure they get the required help.