English, asked by Snehal1234567, 11 months ago

article on follow traffic rules for safety​


Answered by agarwalswati05
Road accidents are one of the main causes of fatalities and injuries across the globe. According to an NDTV report, 17 people die every hour in India due to road accidents. Most road accidents are caused due to human error, by both pedestrians and drivers. Reckless road behaviour is usually the result of failure to acknowledge the importance of traffic rules and basic road etiquette. With children also being victims in these unfortunate cases, it is important to start teaching them about road safety early on in life.

Safety awareness starts at home and parents are usually the ones guiding their children through the various road traffic rules and regulations. In this endeavour to raise children who are prudently familiar with basic safety habits, you need to mix different styles of teaching and coaching when it comes to sharing facts about road safety for kids.

1. Crossing the Road After Looking Both Ways

The thought of children crossing the road is enough to make any adult apprehensive, as unpredictable movements and the natural recklessness of a child can cause accidents. The rule of thumb is that young children should not be allowed to cross the road without adult supervision.

2. Reading and Interpreting Road Safety Signs

It is paramount that kids are aware of the basic traffic signs and signals. When you are driving, and your child is with you, it is the perfect time to teach them about the difference between the red and green signals, and what the yellow signal means. Teach kids about the pedestrian signals too, as the icon of a person walking, is the most common symbol at most intersections.

3. Concentrating on the Road

Road safety for children starts with the importance of presence of mind. Children can be lost in their world at times and do not notice the environment and structures around them. They need to be taught to pay attention to their surroundings and be responsive to their senses.

4. No Running on the Streets

Young children cannot understand the distinction between a safe playground and any other open space, and this is something which poses a risk. Children should be warned against running when they are near a road, or when they are crossing it. Running in open spaces with vehicular access is dangerous and can lead to falls near moving vehicles and other rash incidents.

5. Using Sidewalks Only When Walking

Tell your kids to never stray onto the roads. Traffic in India is very haphazard and lacks discipline, with vehicles, especially two-wheelers tending to change lanes a lot. Keep children away from the roads and make them understand that a footpath is the only area where they should be.

6. Crossing the Road Only at Zebra Crossings

Children (and adults too) should not cross roads at all places. Intersections and zebra crossings are specifically determined areas where pedestrians can cross a road. The risk with children is that they tend to sprint or choose any spot to cross because it may seem empty, or approaching vehicles may be far away.

7. Avoiding Blind Spots

Kids should be taught to never cross at a curve or between parked cars. They should be taught to ascertain all the blind spots before choosing a spot to cross a road. Crossing at bends is a strict no-no. Cars sometimes do not honk at curves, and the pedestrian is completely unaware of any oncoming vehicle because of the blind spot. The same reason applies when crossing between stationary objects.

8. Ensuring Bicycle Safety

A helmet is mandatory: Many times, we overlook this simple detail while paying heed to seatbelt rules and helmets for motor powered two-wheelers. Statistics indicate that this simple accessory can reduce the risk of debilitating head injuries by up to 70%. Make sure your kid is always wearing a high-quality helmet whenever he or she is on a bicycle

Use a Bicycle-light: It is prudent to use a light on the bicycle, especially when the light changes in the evenings or if it is dark. Not only does the child have a better view of the road, but he is also more visible to other motorists, reducing chances of being hit

9. Set Rules for In-Car Behaviour

Seatbelts should be strapped on. This is a habit that needs to be imbibed for life. While everyone in a car needs to wear a belt, it is especially important that children are strapped in, as they are at a higher risk of falling and injuring themselves

10. Follow Bus Safety Tips

Children on a school bus are harder to monitor, and the larger dimensions can also lead to them moving around and falling. Teach them bus safety tips like the following to ensure they are careful:

Kids should be warned against standing near the door of a moving bus. This can be risky if the bus stops or sways suddenly, or if the door malfunctions
Children should also not move around the aisle of a moving bus.

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