Article on
Harmful effects of video game
- effects eyesight/health problems obesity etc. due to sitting constantly in front of a screen
- exposes young kids to violence that harms their views on the world/ can make them imitate violent actions
Answer :-
Harmful Effects of Video Games
The latest passion and craze among children in present is of video games. This is all due to electronic media. There is also a change in the outlook towards life. This outlook has basically been fashioned by materialism. It is said that these video games depict much violence. Consequently, the impressionable minds of the children are getting conditioned by violence. They are losing the touch of human values. These values have been the pride of our age-old culture and heritage. No doubt, parents and teachers try to inculcate old values among our future generation. But strangely these video games are washing them overnight. The producers of these video games aim at maximizing their profits. They forget their social and moral responsibilities. They are badly injuring the very psyche of children's mind. It does not bother anyone! Our future is going into the hands of persons who are insensitive to violence. Violence may soon become an ordinary feature of life. But there is another side of it. Video games can transform the human mind at the stage of children. They can do so by producing constructive games. These should aim at spreading human values like mercy, pity, cooperation, love, sympathy etc. The authorities should take proper steps to ensure that video games should have more of our culture.