English, asked by NikitaGoyat29, 1 year ago

Article on 'need of value education'


Answered by xyz78914


Value education is rooted in Indian philosophy and culture and ingrained in every tradition of Indian culture. Educational institutions play a a significant role in the promotion of value. The Vedas and Upanishads form the source of inspiration for value education. In the Vedic period, In Ashram education, the Guru insists his sishya to follow certain values throughout his life. Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Justice, Liberty Equality, Fraternity, Dignity of the individuals and integrity of the nation are the ideal conditions in the Constitution. Our values in life must draw their inspiration from these ideals. University education commission 1948-49 mentioned the various aspects of morality as: loyalty, courage, discipline, self-sacrifice and spirituality. The Secondary Education Commission 1952-53 laid special emphasis on the following values in the formation of character of the students: Efficiency Good Temper Cooperation Integrity Discipline.

Moral awareness should be endorsed to orient the progress in science & technology towards the welfare of mankind. Common values should be re-discovered to unite human beings with the general decline of traditional values. Teachers pass values to the students both consciously and unconsciously through their conduct in and out of class rooms. Therefore the need for a consciously planned value education program is obvious to establish a formal learning.

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