English, asked by aman1091, 1 year ago

"Article on nepotism in 100 to 200 words ...Plzz don't SPAM


Answered by christinebernard
i dont have much words but heres a good start to it:

Nepotism, the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends usually by giving them jobs. The term comes from the Italian word nepotismo, which is based on the Latin word, nepos, meaning nephew. This term and idea originated around the late 17th Century when a particular group of Catholic popes and bishops gave their nephews such their positions as they have no legitimate offspring to hand down to.

Answered by shreya1432
Here is ur answer.......✌

Nepotism is a delicate issue. How can parents not use all of their resources to insure that their children will succeed? Is giving your relative a head start a scandalous violation of our society's conventions? Isn't blood thicker than water (or money)? On the other hand, don't we belong to a free country that gives everybody an equal opportunity? Do you wish to be passed over for a promotion by the unqualified niece of your boss' company? Does relation outweigh merit? Nepotism is a universal trait of living things, and used with ethics it can lead to success for generations, but used improperly, it has the capability to lead to corruption. 

Nepotism, a practice that has existed as long as mankind, permeates our society, from business to politics. The word "Nepotism", originating from the Italian word "nepotismo", comes from the 14th century, when popes would often promote their nephews (illegitimate children) to high ranking positions in the church or military. The subject can be looked at from two distinctively different viewpoints. The pro-nepotism side would consider nepotism as, "the practice of showing favor to family members, a time- honored tradition in many small businesses and in quite a few larger ones, too. From the small-town hardware store to the car dealership to some of America's largest media empires, the son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter of the founder holds the reins. Less precisely, nepotism has come to mean gaining opportunity because of one's family connections."

hope it helps...
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