Article on "People are more powerful than machine".
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"As we know that people created machines but not machines created humans"
Human can understand the feeling of other well but machines can not. Humans need to work together, not machines. Robots usually don’t have opinions. You might have friends like this, and they might possibly be robots. Hence, they try not to discuss the latest in pop culture or sports, as evidenced from my call with Lucy. There are some strange humans out there, but human-to-human relationships won’t be replaced anytime soon.
Humans also have common sense and intuition, which is difficult to program.
Although humans excel at these things now, I’ve already mistaken some emails that were from robots to be from humans, some phone calls from humans to be from robots, and music that I thought was created by a human to be from an algorithm. Robots are currently at the single-celled organism stage. We’ll eventually find more things to do with our human brains, but at some point we might not be able to tell the difference between human and machine anymore.
But according to me humans are more intelligent than machines because "human created and invented machines,not machines invented humans"
Computers are more powerful than human beings only in one sense: the ability to perform complex computations millions of times faster than we can. This means they can make certain decisions much faster and much more reliably. They can drive cars more safely. They can control our nation's defence.