article on save tree save earth
Trees are the backbone of all ecosystems on which the mankind and other living and non-living being rely. Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth by emission of Oxygen, absorption of Carbon dioxide.
Most important benefits of trees are:
It helps the environment to provide an enormous amount of oxygen and reduce the toxic carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and pollutants by absorbing.
Helps in improving water quality.
Prevent Soil Erosion.
Helps in Saving Energy.
Prevent from increasing temperature.
Provide food, shelter & medicines.
Some Facts & Figures:
According to US Department of Agriculture, 1 acre of forest absorbs six tons of carbon dioxide and puts out 4 tons of oxygen which is enough to meet the annual needs of 18 people.
Consumption and the demand of Paper is the most important factor in the
depletion of forest or trees as to produce 3000 sheets of paper 1 tree has to be cut.
How we contribute in this cause to save tress:
Recycling and reuse the papers.
Always buy a paper which can be recycled.
Reuse paper bags or compost receipts.
Reuse envelopes.
Use scrap paper for your all your rough work instead of new paper.
Don’t print a picture or document unless it is necessary.
Always print on both the side of the paper.
Stop cutting down trees.
Plant trees.
Spread awareness amongst other for save trees.
Save trees save earth
Trees are the backbone of all ecosystems on which the mankind and other living and non-living being rely. Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth by emission of Oxygen, absorption of Carbon dioxide.
Most important benefits of trees are:
It helps the environment to provide an enormous amount of oxygen and reduce the toxic carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and pollutants by absorbing.
Helps in improving water quality.
Prevent Soil Erosion.
Leaving the above-mentioned reasons aside, the presence of trees in our society is important to our life in general. Trees are to be saved as they provide us with shelter, they are the source of a lot of medicine we consume, we use them in creating and shaping our tools and they also contribute their quota in the reduction of pollution.
Neo reaper(muffin):