English, asked by pritiroy2003, 1 year ago

Article on school magazine (rules should be maintained for writing the article)


Answered by nikki62
                           Facebook kills face to face conversation

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites which most of the youth download to follow latest trends and styles. Teenagers spend hours with their mobiles just scrolling down through facebook. Wherever a person goes, they just clicks a selfie and posts it on facebook. Also, these people love to get many followers, likes and message requests on facebook. As they are diving into the era of technology, they are sadly now forgetting their communication skills.

When people spend most of their time on facebook 'in getting touch with far away relations', they are forgetting those who sit close to them. The biggest irony is that, people start posting memes about facebook killing close relations in facebook itself! Instead of posting, they can prevent themselves from using facebook constantly.

Facebook is harmful for eyes and relations. When people don't even try to speak with their relatives, there would be no-one to help when in need. Even if a person has thousands of followers, when in a severe condition, only family will stand up to support. Thus, there must be some funny chats or gossips with your own family, but facebook restricts from doing so. Currently, facebook is like an addiction which is almost impossible for people to get rid of. These social networking sites also have a great influence on the education of students.

Communication skills go down poor by using facebook. While chatting, our communication skills reach to peaks of laziness that shortcuts are being made for long words! Now, they just type three-four letters for a sentence. How will the youth learn to speak? What will be facebook's influence on youth's careers? Obviously, the answers would be depressing.

To improve face to face time conversation, it is necessary to restrict from using social networking sites. To do so, people can start meditation or yoga in the early morning and before going to bed. They can start reading good books and write poems. This adds new words to vocabulary of a person. Also, the brain will be in a state of peace and creative thinking or imagination will shine. Facebook is one of the biggest enemy for developing communication skills. ' Too much  of something is equal to poison'. Just like it, too much of time spending on facebook is a poison to face to face conversation.

pritiroy2003: It is all right but you have missed some rules
Answered by aishowrya


Well, we all know the word "Sexual harassment" but many of us may not reveal this word in front of the society, may be we're grown up like that, it has been fixed in our minds, that its a shame to raise such matters. But have we all know its one of the biggest issue of this modern world. 

So, first of all what's Sexual harassment, and when we can believe its existence? 

Sexual harassment encompasses any sexual attention that is unwanted. 

Here are some Examples of the verbal or physical conduct prohibited, A pattern of conduct (not legitimately related to the subject matter of a course if one is involved) intended to discomfort or humiliate, or both, that includes one or more of the following:
We can say these cases as one of sexual harassment!! 

If some one, 

1. comments of a sexual nature; or

2. sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes;

3. A pattern of conduct that would discomfort or humiliate, or both, a reasonable person at whom the conduct is directed that includes one or more of the following:

• unnecessary touching, patting, hugging, or brushing against a person’s body;

• remarks of a sexual nature about a person’s clothing or body; or

• remarks about sexual activity or speculations about previous sexual experience.

Now if I'm going to talk about our country India, then we can surely cover this topic.

> India is one of the developing country. We all believe that India has got its independence since 1947..but can we say its true?

> According to me, India has still not got its freedom. Still the women of India are going through sexual harassment, domestic violence dowry deaths, etc. Still women of India are fearing from stepping out of there houses at night after 8. 

> Sexual harassment isn't only related to girls but boys too, anyone can get harassed, this even happens in public..but the thing is that no one wants to get in the matter, no one wants to raise their hands, no one wants to put themselves in other's shoes, no one wants to fight against this modern issue. 

> In this modern society, women aren't getting secured and safe!! That can be one of the reasons of increasing number of rape rates in India. The government doesn't want to give to its fullest in this mission against harassment. 

> Everyday in mass medias, such as a news channel or a radio channel, it can be heard of a woman got raped yesterday night, a 10 years old girl got raped again, a girl got harassed again.Do the people forget the pledge they use to repeat everyday while doing these crimes!! They say, we're brothers and sisters but do they forget that when they keep staring at a girl being harassed in front of them!!

> Should we still call ourselves independent? Should we still say we got the freedom? Should we still look back while the crime comes to existence? Should we still sit silent in our homes? Shouldn't we protest against these culprits in who are still doing these crimes in front of us? Shouldn't we get them hanged? 

> There are two kinds of people in this world with two different types of vision. Some people knows to protest against crimes, while some people knows just to stand and entertain these crimes taking place in front of them. There are some people who knows to fight against violence, while some people knows to support it being mum, quite, blah blah...Now its our choice of choosing the vision we wanna follow!! 

> In hinduism, people believe in goddesses' power since ancient time. We can observe people celebrating Durga puja, Kali puja and what's not!! But they still don't the meaning of real worship. At one situation they worship goddesses' while the other side, a girl gets harassed. And then she is threatened to keep it hidden from the society cause people won't blame the rapist but they will point out the dressing of the girl, they will point out the personality of the women, that's their mindset!! 

Can we fight against these issues? Of course yes, as there is a saying - 

"If there is a problem there is a solution, if there is a will there is a way!!" 

This creates a new inspiration in us, this aware us, this motivates us to change our mindsets. That we can also do, this can come true when everyone will put their hands together. This can be possible only when everyone will raise their hands against this. Even government is also supporting women's association to fight against this crime in different ways. Women movement is applying all these steps - 

• Campaigning
• Raising awareness
• Protesting 
• Showing solidarity

And many more...

So let's support the women movement, let's make the victims realize their mistake, their intention, let them get hanged !! Let's throw out "SEXUAL HARASSMENT" from the society !!

#hope it helps!!
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