Social Sciences, asked by KUSHAG, 1 year ago

article on : security of inda


Answered by Prakriti15
india has one of the largest armies, still it faces terorrism  and conflicts .india needs to devolop and accquire the necessary capacity to deal with their security challengeswhich they face along borders or interior conflicts.
the government has a key role in ensuring security in the country. govt.  should implement srict laws against them. and ensure peace within the country.
not only the indian army ,but all the citizens can conribute for the security of our country. we should always be ready to defend our ountry at any cost... we have a long way to go for the devolopment of weapons and more efficient armies...
we have to join hands and all the people in our country can fight against terrorism and invasions .no matter how strong the opposition is.
if we have strong determination, no superpower in the world can defeat us...

Prakriti15: if u like it please mark as brainliest answer!!!!
Prakriti15: :) pls!!
Answered by Jahnvi97
National security is given the highest importance in any country. Security can be understood as protection of all life and properties of citizens of India from all external and internal threats. The external threats can come from other countries due to political conflict or terrorism. The internal threats can be due to terrorists and riots etc. There are different government organization in out country which protect us from both external and internal threats. Police plays an important role in maintaining peace and ensuring the security of the citizens, mainly from the internal threats. But the most important is our defence force which ensures our security from all threats. It consists of army, navy and air force. Indian army is one of the largest army of the world consisting of more than 12lakh soldiers. Apart from that, there are also many other organizations which play an important role in maintaining national security. The strong Indian defense system will always protect its citizen.
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