article on the topic media impact on teenagers
Here’s the good news: the media can be a positive influence for teenagers.
For example, teenagers who are exposed to and take an interest in the news are more likely to be interested in major social and political issues. This can help educate them and encourage them to become more involved as citizens in their communities.
Teenagers can also pick up important health promotion messages from the media – for example, messages aimed at preventing youth depression and suicide, encouraging healthy eating and lifestyle habits, and promoting positive, respectful relationships.
How media celebrities influence teenagers
Celebrities often get into the media for bad behaviour. But celebrity role models aren’t always bad influences.
Media influence can be powerful if a celebrity role model says a particular lifestyle, product or behaviour is good. There are lots of examples of celebrities whose lifestyles, values and behaviour provide positive examples. The hard work and success of these role models can be inspirational.
Children and teenagers do need to be aware that some celebrities are paid to advertise the products they endorse.