Article writing (100-120 words) harmful deit and sedentary habits of urban school children
Many people want to lose weight safely and effectively. There are many different methods of losing weight, some healthy, some not. Many companies offer various miracle drugs that claim to be able to produce instant weight loss. Some work and some do not. Some however, are particularly dangerous. Products that can be especially dangerous include; HydroxyCut, Stacker 2, ProacTol, and ProShape RX. Many ingredients in these supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and can contain harmful ingredients such as ephedrine.Ephedrine is an extremely powerful stimulant. People who take ephedrine use it to suppress appetite, increase energy, and eliminate exhaustion. However, ephedrine has not been approved by the FDA. Ephedrine has been known to cause many health problems for many of its users. In many cases people have suffered strokes, heart attacks, insomnia, and in some cases even death. In one case a seventeen year old male collapsed during football practice. He had suffered a major heart attack due to ephedrine use. Ephedrine is a central and sympathetic nervous system stimulant. It causes extremely high blood pressure and may cause the body to do many things that it would otherwise not do.If the negative effects of this drug are so apparent then why do people use them? People desire to be looked at in a certain way, often influenced by the idols they see on television or in magazines. People feel they must look a certain way to be socially acceptable and that way is usually thin. Most desirable positions in society such as models, actors, and musicians are portrayed to look this way. Some people will go to extreme feats to accomplish this goal, even if it means potentially harming themselves on the way to social acceptance. In the hurry to be a certain way they look past alternative mean of accomplishing the same goal.