As a customer service manager write a letter responding to a customer complaint regarding poor customer service in the Big Bazaar Super Center in M.G.Road.
Write a letter responding to a customer complaint regarding poor customer service in the Big Bazaar Super Center in M.G.Road.
From: Customer service manager
To: X.Y.Z
Subject: Customer
Big Bazaar Super Center in M.G Road
Dear Customer,
Hope this letter finds you well. We are regretting to know that you have issue regarding poor customer service in Big Bazaar Super Center. We are trying to make better service for our customers. In future, you’ll never see this type of issue. If you have any question regarding our customer service, feel free to ask. That’s very kind of you.
Hope it helped............
L et ter to Ser vi ce M a n a ger of Big B a z a ar Su p er Ce n t e r , M . G . R o a d .
The Cu sto mer Se rvice Ma nag er
Bi g Ba za ar Su pe r Cent er
M . G . Ro a d , Gu r g ao n
Mr . As hi sh Kum ar
ABC Apartments
New D elhi
10 Janu ary, 2019
Subject: Response for the customr care com plai n t .
With regards to your complaint about the service that you were give n , I would like to personally apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you . We have resolved the issue with the concerned staff and have advised him not to ever act like he did again in the future .
With this warning, we have decided to let him on a weeks' leave . Hope you will continue to be our valued customer and allow us to serve you .
Thank you for your patience and hope to see you soon .
Ma nag er
Cu s to mer Care Exec uti ve
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Formal letter writing