As a Member of the Animal Rights Club of your school, write a speech for the school assembly highlighting the far reaching and disastrous effects of poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
Animals are a significant part of our eco system and their very existence and sustenance keep our life balanced. Both wilderness and wildlife are an essential part of our life and it is our duty to ensure that they are taken care of and well maintained, let alone cause their destruction.
Poaching is done to make gains out of precious animal parts like their hide, fur, tusks, horns, antlers, even bones! Since this is done illegally for gains, it is done without any thought of its consequences.
Illegal wildlife trade is a global problem running into hundreds of millions of dollars. Such far reaching trade needs stringent international laws and pooled resources, both monetary and manpower, to make meaningful difference in wildlife trade. Countries should work together to bring the culprits to book and discourage others from poaching and trading in animal parts. Poaching, being an international trade done with a vast network of people, this is easier said than done. But there is no choice if extinction of a variety of animals is to be avoided.
For protection of our Earth , there are many environmental issues which are planned & observed to be in motion . There are many cases of extinction different species of animals whose major cause is poaching. Poaching is a bad practice that leads to permanent extinction of many precious species and a great imballance in nature as well as our lives gets affected too.
Animals play a very significant part in our lives and their existence is very important for the natural balance. It is observed in a report that of all the species that ever existed on Earth , 99% of them are not extincted. It is our responsibility to ensure whether they are well maintained & taken care or not. Generally , poaching is practiced for earning gains through the parts of animals like their bones , horns , tusks , fur etc. These are considered to be illegal and people doing this never care about the consequences which they will face in future.
The illegal wildlife trade is a problem faced observed whole throughout the world. Through illegal wildlife trades , there are profits of million and billion of dollars made. To stop such , there should be an strict law made and inforced to make a good and meaningful difference in the wildlife. All people from all the parts of world should stand together to let those blind people practising illegal wildlife trades and poaching to open their eyes. If these get's paused than there will be no chance of any disastrous consequences in future and we can protect the species from extinction.