English, asked by jyotichoubey756, 11 months ago

As a secretary of the students wing of RWA of your colony, you have been assigned the responsibility of setting up a compost plant in your colony. Write a proposal writing is not more than 150 words stating the steps you would take to successfully set up the plant.


Answered by richashree3108


Composting is a biological process where tiny organisms convert organic materials into soil-like products.


Composting is a biological process where tiny organisms convert organic materials like food scraps, leaves, grass clippings, and paper into nutrient- rich, soil-like products. In order to breakdown organic materials within a compost pile by microbes, there must be presence of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and moisture. Compost microorganisms needs a proper balance of carbon and nitrogen. Carbon is provided by leaves, paper, sawdust, etc., and acts as the energy source for the microbes. Nitrogen comes from food scraps, fresh cut grass, horse manure, etc., and used by the microbes as building blocks to make more microbes. All things that was once alive can be composted and popular items which can be composted includes food scraps, grass, plant cuttings, paper, leaves and animal manures.

Here are some key steps to get an organic compost program started at colony.

1. Building a Compost Committee-This committee should work together to create goals, set a timeline, inspect the program and give an enthusiasm and ideas on how to improve and promote it.

2. Monitoring Waste Audit-To plan the compost program effectively one need to first determine what percent of waste is organic and compostable.  To get this baseline data, compost committee usually conduct waste audit.

3. Check With Waste Hauler-Once the waste audit is conducted and the amount of compostable waste is determined, it is time to check with waste hauler and it is important that they have the proper equipment to accommodate the newly added compost stream.

4. Be sure of Sustainable Suppliers-Work with kitchen and road cleaning staff to identify any products or items that are being purchased and watch if there is a compostable alternative. What products can be switched to biodegradable or organic and can waste hauler or equipment handler collect those products and properly break them down? By starting at the supply chain, one can control what is coming into your home. Using compostable plates and cutlery in home and social gathering makes it easy for people to dispose of their waste correctly.

5. Buying of Compost Bins-The results which came from waste audit will help to determine how many compost bins will be needed and the size/capacity of new compost stations. One should have a better understanding of traffic flow and the areas where bins should be placed.

6. Educating & communicating-Engage people of colony with the addition to new organic recycling program. Education is crucial, and it is critical to get people involved to the program. It’s always a good idea to start the program at the beginning of the year to set clear expectations and start new habits.

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