English, asked by ajuakshu, 1 year ago

as citizen of india . my duties are ......................


Answered by BaluKing333
Obey Laws and Respect Authority-Don’t break laws and also refrain others for doing so.If not satisfied by any Law use Constitutional means to change the Law.
Civic and Social Duty should be performed-Be aware about the issues affecting the society and provide solutions to them,Vote intelligently and Pay Taxes by proper means and use acts like RTI,RTE for the good of the society.
Keep your surroundings and locality clean,Use Dustbin,Care for Public Property and Other People’s Property.
Be Honest to your Country and Fellow Citizen
Develop a deep sense of Patriotism towards you Country,Respect your Country’s Social and Economic Policies,Always contribute to the Welfare of our Country.
Must be able to teach the Younger Generation to show Respect and Love  towards the Country.
Make your Country Proud when visiting other Nations,Never speak bad about your Country.
Help the Poor and Needy and Provide great Hospitality to both Foreign and Local Tourist.
Answered by fluffy
there are many duties like :
1. we have to respect our nation and even its citizens as much as we can.
2. we have obey our nations constituency and even its rules and regulation.
3. show love towards our nation.
4. help all the poor and even give them respect because they are also a part of our country.
5. we should be again the discrimination.
6. we should see through that there is no child labor and if you see someone like that then just handover the to any police officer.
7. we should keep our locality clean and neat.

Kimmus: Being a citizen of India we should :
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