as manager cherry blossom school indore,place an order for(at least 4 items)school furniture.write a letter to chaudhry and manufactureres,indore
Cherry Blossom School
August 17, 2018
Chaudhry and Co
Furniture Manufacturers
Subject: Purchase of school furniture
I wish to place a bulk order for the supply of furniture for the school for the academic session 2018-2019. The particulars of the equipment and their quantity to be supplied are given below: Particulars Quantity
1. Kindergarten Desks (Plastic) 250 pieces
2. Primary Classes Desks 225 pieces
3. Middle Classes Desks 250 pieces
4. Teachers Chairs 120 pieces
5. Teachers Desks 120 pieces
6. Teachers Almirahs 100 pieces
Kindly give us maximum discount. Do send us the equipment from the fresh lot. I am enclosing a cheque of Rs 50000/- as down payment. The rest of the payment of the furniture will be digitally made. Do let us know the date by which you will deliver the furniture. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Shalini
The Manager
The Chaudhry and Co.
Furniture Manufacturer
It is stated that we have some emergency requirements for school furniture.
We have a function in next week and honorable secretary of our school will come to felicitate our students.
So please supply at least two wooden chairs along with two tea tables by day after tomorrow.
Also submit the invoice at the finance or account department to disburse the amount.
Your Name
The Cherry Blossom School