As one Journey ends another begins describe the most memorable experiences of your school life in not more than 1500 characters
Explanation:Exams are like festivals, celebrate them
Activity: Draw a scene depicting a festival around your favourite subject. (Upload your painting in .jpeg or .pdf format. Maximum file size allowed is 4 MB)
India Is Incredible, Travel and Explore
Activity: Imagine your friend visits your city for three days. What memories would you create for him or her in each of the following categories?
Places to See: (In not more than 500 characters)
Food to Relish: (In not more than 500 characters)
Experiences to remember: (In not more than 500 characters)
As One Journey Ends, Another Begins
Activity: Describe the most memorable experiences of your school life in not more than 1500 characters
Aspire, Not to Be, but to Do
Activity: If there was no restriction on resources or opportunities, what would you do for society and why? Submit a write up in not more than 1500 characters