As the anther develops the cells of sporogenous tissue undergo meiotic divisions to form microspore tetrad ,,,,, What is the sporogenous tissue ???? and why meiotic division takes place ???? and What is the function of microspore tetrad ??????
This is called as sporangeoustissue. Cells of these layers generally disintegrate in the mature anther. A single layer of tapetum. The tapetal cells may be uni-, bi- or multinucleate and possess dense cytoplasm. The cells of the primary sporogenous layer divide further and give rise to diploid sporogenous tissue.
This cell plate will ultimately lead to the formation of cell walls that separate the two daughter cells. Two haploid cells are the end result of the first meiotic division. The cells are haploid because at each pole, there is just one of each pair of the homologous chromosomes.
Pollen mitosis I. In the process of male gamete formation, a pollen mother cell undergoes meiosis to form a tetrad of microspores enclosed in callose . Dissolution of the callose occurs by enzymes released from the tapetal cells, dispersing the individual 1N microspores.