English, asked by anusha3859, 9 months ago

As the editor express your thoughts on any one issue that plagues the country or your state​


Answered by upenderjoshi28


155 – G

Green Fields


Sep 2, 2019

The Editor

The Times of India


Subject: Evil of corruption in government departments and other organizations


I am writing to your good self to bring to your kind notice the rampant corruption in all Government departments, business organization and even private companies. The citizens of the city of have to pay bribes to get their work done. India was placed at 76th position out of 168 countries with a score of 38 out of a possible 100 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2015. This corruption has slowed India’s pace of development.  

Recently I applied for a new electricity connection. At the time of installation of the new meter, the visiting officer demanded extra money. Though I had paid all the required charges in advance. Why is it so? The condition of the other departments is exactly the same.  

However, there is hope this corruption will be eradicated by and by. Some recent movements like the Right to Information Act, demand for Lokpal Bill and Demonetisation have raised hopes against corruption.  

I appeal to the Government to look into the matter and take strict action against the corrupt officials, officers, and Government employees. I also appeal to people keep fighting against this evil.  

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

Upen Sharma  

Similar answer can be read here: https://brainly.in/question/10381437


Answered by dackpower

Subject: Underhandedness of debasement in government offices and different associations


I desired to bring your benevolent notice about the widespread of defilement in all Administration offices including business association and even privately owned businesses. The residents of the city are forcefully pay rewards to get completed their work. India was put at 76th situation out of 168 nations with a score of 38 out of a potential 100 in Straightforwardness Universal's Defilement Observations List 2015. This debasement has eased back India's pace of advancement.

Recently I have applied for another power connection for my house. At the hour of establishment of the new meter, the meeting officials were insisting on paying additional cash. Despite the fact that I had paid all the necessary charges ahead of time. For what reason is it so? The state of different offices is actually the equivalent.

I have raised this issue to the Administration to investigate the issue and make exacting move against the degenerate authorities, officials, and Government workers.

Thank you.

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