Physics, asked by vedantraj392, 5 hours ago

As we know that each force applies an equal amount of force in opposite directions, but if both applies in opposite directions then they should cancel each other...but still it's unbalance force, why ?​


Answered by rishavpro18


According To Newton's Third Law Of Motion , We know that "To Every Action There Is An Equal And Opposite Reaction" ... So Whenever Force Applies An Equal Amount Of Force In Opposite Directions, They Actually Act On Different Objects Not on Same Objects So They Do Not Cancel Each Other....


For Example:- If I Jump Out Of A Boat , Then We Notice That The Boat Goes Little Distance Far... Because We Exert Force On the Boat And An Equal Oppsite Force Is Exerted By The Boat On Us.. So They Act On Different Objects And Hence, (DO NOT CANCE EACH OTHER)..

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