As you know that global warming is the major problem which the world is facing at the moment. Write a letter to the editor of newspaper telling him about the same and also discuss the remedies to fight with this problem
Tree planting and plantation forestry are well established both in the private and public sectors. The most recent data released by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation suggest that plantation forests comprised an estimated 7% of global forest area in 2010. Most of these forests were established in areas that were previously not under forest cover, at least in recent years. Trees are also planted as part of efforts to restore natural forests as well as in agroforestry, which involves increasing tree cover on agricultural land and pastures.
Under certain conditions plantations can grow relatively fast, thus absorbing CO2 at higher rates than natural forests. In the absence of major disturbances, newly planted or regenerating forests can continue to absorb carbon for 20–50 years or more. In comparison to preventing the loss of natural forests, however, tree planting has the potential to make only a limited contribution to reducing CO2 levels in the atmosphere. In 2000, the IPCC gathered the available evidence for a special report which concluded that tree-planting could sequester (remove from the atmosphere) around 1.1–1.6 GT of CO2 per year. That compares to total global greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 50 GT of CO2 in 2004.
Unlike measures to reduce deforestation, tree planting and reforestation were included as activities eligible for finance under the Kyoto protocol. Kyoto's rules and procedures, however, restricted the scale and scope of these activities. As a result, projects have struggled to get off the ground and the carbon sequestered has been almost negligible. Outside of Kyoto, some tree-planting projects established to absorb CO2 have turned out to be nonviable due to the cost of acquiring inputs or protecting young trees from fire, drought, pests or diseases. The cost of land is another barrier to widespread tree-planting, especially where there is competition with other land uses such as food or biofuel production.
As negotiations over the future of Kyoto continue, the extent of the possible role of tree planting in a future climate change framework remains unclear. Tree planting is, however, unlikely to be implemented on a scale to reach even the relatively modest potential contribution outlined by the IPPC – especially in the absence of a high carbon price.
Nehru Park, New Delhi
14th August, 2020
The Editor,
The Times of India,
New Delhi.
Subject: Consequences of Global Warming and Solutions
Through the columns of your esteemed daily newspaper, I wish to highlight the danger and solutions to climate change and global warming.
Global warming is the phenomenon of the increase in the temperature of the atmosphere due to the presence of excessive green house gases. Global warming will results in melting of the polar ice caps and raise in the ocean level which will submerge islands and coastal lands. Global warming is a reality but there are remedies too.
Global warming would cause unpredictable rainfall. A sudden flash flood will be followed by a period of drought. This will cause scarcity of drinking water and irrigation for cultivation leading to worldwide food scarcity.
Planting more trees will reduce the amount of the harmful carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere and reduce global warming. We need to shift to alternative energy instead of burning of fossil fuels like coal and petroleum products. Burning of fossil fuels increase global warming and also deplete the ozone layer which protects us from the harmful effects of UV rays of the Sun.
Proper treatment of industrial waste before they are dumped and using renewable energy, electric, hydro and solar energy will help us to reduce the danger of global warming. Urgent steps must be taken to reduce exhaust emissions from motor vehicles, power plants, factories and industries. Global warming needs urgent global actions to save and preserve life on Earth.
Yours sincerely,
15 Nehru Park, Karnal
New Delhi