Art, asked by suhanee2497, 1 year ago

Ashtanga yoga is whose contribution
a Svatmarama
b Maharshi Patanjali
c Gheranda
d Gorakshanath


Answered by luckygirl
ashtanga yoga is maharishi patanjalis contribution
Answered by ashutoshmishra3065



Ashtanga yoga:

Ashtanga Yoga is an eight-limbed method recommended by Patanjali for achieving the desired result.

The following are the eight limbs:

  1. Yama
  2. Niyama
  3. Aasan
  4. Pranayam
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharana
  7. Dhyaan
  8. Samadhi

Many people equate yoga with asanas, yet this is only one component of true yoga. By definition, practising solely asana, the third limb of Ashtanga Yoga, would not be considered yoga.

The most effective, safest, and economical way to guarantee everyone's health is through Ashtanga yoga. Swami Kuvalyanandji founded Kaivalyadhama with the intention of spreading the yoga teachings to everyone, regardless of race, religion, or social standing.


Yoga is that art and science that is designed to guarantee a person's perfect health for their body, endless enjoyment for their mind, and ideal spiritual growth for their soul.

Ashtanga yoga is Maharshi Patanjali contribution.


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