asl speech in about 500 words on hobbies and interest
Stamp collecting is a great hobby. Some pursue photography; it is more expensive but very pleasant. Some go out fishing; it is the hobby of the meditative man. To sit near a tank or lake with the rod and line in hand, lost in a dream of catching a big fish that would never be caught, nothing can be more pleasant than this. Others again devote their spare hours to the arts and crafts, painting or shaping or gardening, according to the mind’s sweet will. These are creative hobbies. Abanindranath Tagore took a hobbyist’s pleasure in turning useless knick-knacks into pretty toys. Gandhiji’s hobby was charka; it brought peace to his mind and helped to set an example to the people. In his old age, painting was Tagore’s great hobby. There may be as many hobbies as there are men.
We in India have very few hobbies. Gossiping or adda is almost the only thing that gives us the best pleasure. Hobbies are necessary for mental relaxation. The more strenuous life becomes, the greater will be the longing for some refreshing hobby. After a day’s hard work, it is a real treat to divert our mind with something inessential but highly interesting, something in which success is welcome but failure will not matter. Blesses is a man who has such a means of escaping from the drudgery of routine.
In selecting hobbies, certain elementary principles should be observed. One must select a hobby that a pleasing to one’s self. How often have we had occasion to curse a neighbor who has adopted music as a hobby. He inflicts on others something annoying to them. A hobby is extremely personal; it is quite possible that to others it will not appear pleasant at all. The truth is that one must not intrude one’s personal hobbies on other people’s attention. One should be careful not to select a hobby that is too expensive. For them it will become a burden. Even hobbies should have some social aim. They should be creative. A purely personal hobby may promote selfishness and feeling of isolation. Last of all, one should not try to make hobby his profession. G.B. Shaw calls that man fortunate who can earn from his hobby. But in that case his hobby will not prove as interesting.
A hobbyist’s joy is known only to himself. It fills his idle hours. It may draw around him a circle of friends who cultivate the same hobby. It gives one that indefinable joy, the joy of personal satisfaction. Another joy it gives is equally pleasant, the joy of forgetting personal cares and worldly anxieties. It is a relief from the boredom or drudgery of one’s daily life.
An important thing to guard against is that a hobby must never become an obsession or a passion. Let him not be a man with a single interest outside which he cannot think or speak. When a hobby becomes a passion or addiction, it may make a man unmindful of his duties or responsibilities. It is as bad as drinking or gambling. Hobbies are meant to diversify the monotony of daily routine, more than this they must never become obsession. Remember that a hobby is a walking stick, not a crutch to lean on.
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Hobbies are activities which help us escape the daily grind of life and work and give us pleasure and peace of mind. Because we are not being ordered to perform certain jobs which we may not be fond of, hobbies help to inculcate an appreciation for work rather than driving us away from it.
The interesting thing about hobbies is that they dramatically improve our own personalities and character traits, therefore improving our performances better on the whole. They help us discover talents and abilities which we may never have known ourselves to possess also giving us an insight of all the elements around us, making us learn new things each day. For instance, hobbies like stamp collecting, bird watching, photography, sports and music make our time worthwhile and give us information about different things.
My hobby is gardening. The joy of witnessing blooming flowers and leaves fills my heart with a sense of achievement and realizing the fact that the work of my own hands is bearing fruit definitely gives me pleasure.
Gardening also helps to keep me fit, strong and healthy for working away in my garden results in the beneficial kind of exercise that is good for both mind and body. I inherited the love for gardening from my mother and now with her help and interest; I have prepared a small garden in front of our porch. It is a thing of beauty with a grassy carpet and trimmed hedges.
I grow several varieties of plants including the China rose, jasmines, ferns and gladioli in my garden. The recently purchased Christmas tree is a welcome addition too. Every day after school it is my habit to check on my garden and look after the plants. The garden has to be kept under a strict check, mowed punctually as the grass grows at a speedy rate during the rainy season, and cleaned at least twice a week. However, during autumn due to the shedding of the leaves, I have to clean it daily while always adding manure and plant medicine for the protection of these wonderful creations of God. A little bouquet of pretty flowers also makes a wonderful gift for birthdays and anniversaries.
I am also thinking of including vegetables in my garden for it will save us the purchase of vegetables from the market and we may also sell them to other people at respectable sums of money. It is possible to grow the vegetables that are consumed daily and do not take up much space.
It is always a great feeling to have my garden admired and appreciated by other people and it helps me feel like I have accomplished a great goal.