English, asked by yadavanaya637, 27 days ago

asl topics the ultimate aim of life is to establish our self is an ideal human beings​


Answered by anjalisinghsengar10


I choose this topic because I'm very concerned with life in this era . many people underestimate the value of behaviour and being a good human . they are only busy with their greed to fulfil there wants . having a good heart is the most important thing one can have in there life , without it we are nothing . although we have high value on something , but with a bad heart and behaviour we are nothing in life .

A good and ideal person is someone who displays love , joy , peace , kindness ,goodness , humanity , patience and who is faithful and endures all things . it is someone who displays self control and considers others more important than self . it is someone who is a good friend , a good listener , and someone who displays integrity and dignity and accountability towards self and towards others . An ideal person does not bad mouth but rather stands up for someone .

human beings are not perfect , therefore an ideal person is one who possess all character traits that are considered virtues in society . when I talk about an ideal person , one person comes to mind " mother Teresa " . her name has become synonymous with sacrifice and selfless generosity .

Answered by rmb

I think this topic is very relevant simply because everyone is trying to be happy yet not everyone can achieve that frame of mind. However an ideal human being can experience happiness during a major portion of the day, mainly because of the mind set. This establishes the fact that humans should work towards reaching that ideal. There is no point in having lots of money and fame, but no peace of mind.

I feel that being an ideal human being does not require supreme sacrifice or tremendous efforts. It is the little things that make the difference. For example, not saying harsh words to anyone, helping whoever you can in whichever little way, valuing relationships with family members, friends, teachers and even society in general, and having a sense of gratitude towards God, are all fragments of what makes an ideal human being. Of course, if one is educated, one is in a better position to understand what is going on and is able to contribute to society in a more meaningful manner. Similarly, if one has a well paying job, it is easier for that person to financially help another individual. However the other things about behaviour and attitude remain the same.

Our aim therefore should not be restricted to a particular career goal, but to establish ourselves as ideal human beings. The career goal should only be a stepping stone on that path.

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