History, asked by sarah53, 1 year ago

aspects of colonial rule


Answered by rama45
at first the britih east india company sought the permission of the local government, but then it grew

income shifted from traed to land revenue (through taxes) but they had to modify the lacal systems to get reliable tax collection

1858 British Crown takes over India

India was now seen as a great investment, but they needed law and order -- army too crude so they set up a new police force (1850s)

they realized thef could not rule soley on the basis of power, so they supported the local princes and allowed them to rule the people

the result: the colonialists prevented Indian capitalism (and hence industrialization) which kept India many years behind

both britian and the colony tried to keep the colonies form industrializing and thereby compeeting with britian

local rulers needed more money so they instituted more local government which entailed more representation -> conflict and repression -> government talking to indian leaders more -> 1886 Indian National Congress

this gave them a much smoother transition to democracy than the other colonies

the INC did get the masses of pesants involved at the end, whihc was important forits later democratic successes

it was not just the INC which got the british to leave -- also WWII

10.2 Seven Features of Colonial Rule

International political dimension

policies of the homeland dominated the colony -- india could not invest in industrialization lest it hurt british industry

virtually all the revenue went into the government (as that’s who the colonistis were) and none back into the people: virtually no land/agriculture development investment

Bureaucratic elitism and authoritarianism

British members of the Indian Civil Service were placed all throughout India to oversee that the interests of Britianwere being observed

Advancement was limited to just the ICS people, and there were only about 1000 in a civil service of several million -- authoritarianism

if any native participation was allowed, it was small asd well watched


comprehonsive state conroll over the econemy prevented industrialization

Use of ‘traditional’ authority figures

try to find some for legitimacy

if you can’t find any then make some

tricky political alliances

crushing opponents and rewarding assistants

Use of force

always initial take overs followed by times of occasional fighting, but hte european military superiority won out

troops too expensive and crude, so police used in the longrun -- but always kept a large paramilitary force for crushing rebellions

exceedingly violent policing -- very partisan

protected the rich and landed against the poor

"widespread use of state violence nad repression as a central chararteristic of their rule"

Technological advantage

weapons, quinine, telegraph, railroads

small forces could rule large areas

Hegemonic identity

we are benevolent and just, and we are slowly modernizing you

colonial rule is enevitable and you are too weak to oppose it

served to hide the basic contradiction between India not wanting to be colonized and the British

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