Physics, asked by popibullo05, 6 months ago

Assertion (A) :The sky looks dark and black instead of blue in outer space.
Reason (R): There is no air in the outer space to scatter the sunlight.
a) Both A and Rare true and R is
correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is false but R is true.
b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the
correct explanation of the assertion
d) A is true but R is false.​


Answered by Anonymous

★ Answer:-

a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.


★ Explanation:-

As we know that scattering of light occurs due to particles in air and blue colour which has the lowest wavelength scatters the most. But in case of outer space there is no air so light could not scatters and due to this the space looks black instead of blue.

Hence both assertion and reason are true and R is correct explanation of A.


★ Learn More!!

How does light scatters by a prism?

\setlength{\unitlength}{1cm} \begin{picture}(1,0) \thicklines\qbezier(0,0)(0,0)(2,2)\qbezier(0,0)(0,0)(4,0)\qbezier(4,0)(2,2)(2,2)\put( - 0.29, 0.45){\line(2,1){1.6}}\put( - 0.29, 0.45){\vector(2, 1){1}}\put(1.2, 1.26){\line(1, 0){1.5}}\put( 1.2, 1.26){\vector(1, 0){0.9}}\put(2.7, 1.26){\line(1, 0){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(6, -1){2.5}} \put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(5,-2){2.5}} \put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(4,-1){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(3,-2){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(5, - 3){2.5}}\put(2.75,1.25 ){\line(5,-4){2.5}}\put(5.5, -1.4 ){\line(0,1){3}}\put(7.2, -1.4 ){\line(0,1){3}} \put(5.7, 1.2 ){ $\bf Red$}\put(5.7, 0.8 ){ $\bf Orange$}\put(5.7, 0.4 ){ $\bf Yellow$}\put(5.7, 0){ $\bf Green$}\put(5.7, - 0.4 ){ $\bf Blue$}\put(5.7, - 0.8){ $\bf Indigo$}\put(5.7, - 1.2 ){ $\bf Violet $}\end{picture}

Red colour has the maximum wavelength so it doesn't bends much or scatters.

Whereas blue or violet colour has minimum wavelength so it bends the most.

NOTE→Here violet, indigo and blue colour combines and it looks blue. So sky looks blue.


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Answered by nirman95

Assertion (A) :The sky looks dark and black instead of blue in outer space.

Reason (R): There is no air in the outer space to scatter the sunlight.

\star Both A and R are true and R is

correct explanation of the assertion.

We know that :

  • White light coming from Sun undergoes dispersion (i.e. splitting into its component colours) such that the sky appears blue.

  • Dispersion/Splitting is a phenomenon which requires a interface that can deviate the various components of light by different angles.

  • This makes the sky appear blue.

However, in space, absence of any medium or any interface doesn't allow any dispersion of light. As a result, the space looks dark black.

Hope It Helps.

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