Assignment for Coherence. Rewrite the following sentences in the correct coherent order. Add transition words or phrases to SIX of the sentences. Do not repeat a transitional word or phrase. The first sentence has been written for you. Correct Sentence Order from 2-10, you should be able to create a correct and has sense paragraph using correct sentence order from 1-10.
Correct Sentence Order 1. From the night-crawling earthworm to the great bald eagle, virtually every form of animal life responds in some way to light.
Incorrect Sentence Order / Add a transitional Device at the start of the sentence 2. Their entire skin is covered with light-sensitive cells.
Incorrect Sentence Order / Add a transitional Device at the start of the sentence 3. More highly developed animals, such as birds and mammals, have complex eye structures, which register detailed pictures of the world about them.
Incorrect Sentence Order 4. They have an almost 360-degree view and can see eagles swooping down from behind.
Incorrect Sentence Order / Add a transitional Device at the start of the sentence 5. The location of their eyes can give us a clue about whether the animal is a predator or prey animal.
Incorrect Sentence Order / Add a transitional Device at the start of the sentence 6. Earthworms are eyeless.
Incorrect Sentence Order 7. The harassed rabbits have eyes placed on either side of their heads.
Incorrect Sentence Order 8. The following rhyme helps us distinguish predators from prey: “Eyes in front, I hunt. Eyes on the side, I hide.”
Incorrect Sentence Order / Add a transitional Device at the start of the sentence 9. Sunshine or even a powerful flashlight beam send them burrowing into the ground.
Incorrect Sentence Order / Add a transitional Device at the start of the sentence 10. Hawks and eagles, with their front-facing eyes, can spot rabbits hopping through underbrush a thousand feet below them.
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Transitional words and phrases help make a piece of writing flow better and connect one idea to the next. Because there's more than one way to connect ideas, there are many types of transitional phrases to show a variety of relationships. View several transition words and examples of phrases used in sentences, paragraphs and essays.
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