Business Studies, asked by nazmullimon, 6 months ago

Assume you are about to graduate. How would you apply marketing principles to your job search? In what ways would you be able to create, communicate, and deliver value as a potential employee, and what would that value be, exactly? How would you prove that you can deliver that value?


Answered by ilmashameem2020sps7


select my answer as brainliest


worth selling and know how to sell it to a particular segment of customers, advises Joseph Barber.

By Joseph Barber

August 1, 2016


I am currently taking an Introduction to Marketing course on Coursera as a way to think about the whole job-search process in a slightly different way. Marketing is actually a relevant topic when it comes to the process of career development. At some point as a job seeker, you are trying to encourage another entity (an employer) to purchase your product (your skills, experiences and knowledge). To do that, you have to have a product worth buying, you have to know how to sell that product and you have to know how to sell that product to a particular segment of customers.

So far, some of the most pertinent topics covered in the course include the idea that no matter what the product is, it won’t be equally attractive to the entire customer base. In other words, some buyers will really like the product, some will respond to it fairly neutrally (they might buy it, but they might equally buy a similar product from another vendor) and some won’t find it attractive at all.

In business, it generally makes the most sense to focus efforts on the subset of the population that really likes the product (taking a customer-centric approach and using a process of segmentation), rather than just hoping that everyone will find your product equally attractive (a product-centric approach). One of the career analogies here is quite clear: sending out 50 versions of the same résumé to 50 different companies (even if the job being applied for is similar) won’t work as well as really taking the time to understand the differences among the employers and targeting the most attractive and relevant ones with highly tailored application materials.

At this point in the course, several marketing principles, assumptions and theories have been shared, and I am still processing that information. It is interesting, however, to look for other areas of overlap between those concepts and what we focus on as career advisers. Here are three market-driven principles that were shared:

Know your markets.

Customers have the final say.

Be the best, compared to the competition, at one of these three concepts: operational excellence, performance superiority and customer intimacy. But be just good enough in the other two.

Knowing the market is essential. The more you understand about who your customers are -- and, in career terms, these are hiring employers -- the easier it is to convince them that you have what they are looking for. If employers are the customers in this case, then they still get the final say. That means that there is little point in telling an employer about all the great work you have done, and all the super experiences you have gained, if that information does not align with what the employer is looking for.

For example, over the course of a five-year Ph.D. program, a graduate student can gain a wide range of transferable skills. However, one of the consequences of doing a Ph.D. is often a lack of practice talking about those skills outside of the context of the very specific research field the student has been working in. In an interview for a nonfaculty job, Ph.D. students and postdocs have to be careful not to answer the question “So tell me about your research” by actually spending five minutes talking about the specifics of their research. Instead, they have to be able to answer “So tell me how you did your research” in a way that is much more skills focused. In addition, having completed a five-year Ph.D. and a five-year postdoc program, a candidate might somewhat expect that those combined experiences by themselves should qualify them for a wide range of positions. That is not the case. The employer wants candidates to be able to show how such experiences make them a good fit -- and to demonstrate that level of understanding.

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