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What is the relation with ecosystem of figure shown below?
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as you can look into the picture that the small insect is feeding on the flowers of the land and the same insects are eaten by the frog then the same frogs are eaten by the snakes then snakes snakes work done by The Eagles like this the ecosystem totally depends upon each other animals to survive their life
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The given food chain can be recognized in the following manner:paddy feild-grass hopper-frog-snake-eagle
1)the given foodchain belongs to cropland ecosystem,which is man made terrestrial ecosystem.
2)tis ecosystem is man engineered and artigicaially maintained by man by adding energy and planned manipulation.
3)manmade ecosystem is less complex than natural ecosystem.
4)this ecosystem relies on human efforts to sustain. Without human intervention and supervision, such manmade ecosystem will disintegrate.
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