Political Science, asked by shalimartandayu07, 9 months ago

at what point does common good of society limit your rights?


Answered by mumtaz306


At what point does the common good society limit your rights?

Tips to grow your sales revenue.

The old saying applies : ”Your right to swing your fists ends at my nose.”

We all have to live on this planet together. In order to live in harmony and for all and each of us to live to our full potential, we must respect that my rights are equal to your rights. ..And your rights end where my rights begin.

Perhaps one individual decides that it’s his right to put up a fence so nobody but him can fish in “his” stream. Perhaps a company feels it’s their right to dump toxic chemicals into the water supply that the rest of us draw our drinking water from. Perhaps a driver decides he wants to drive his sports car down the middle of the road instead of on one side.

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