Hindi, asked by s10388aaryan09271, 2 months ago

अधिलिखितं चित्रं दष्टवा संस्कृते पंच वाक्यानि लिखित | [ चित्र देखकर कोष्ठक के शब्दो की सःहयता से पांच वाक्य लिखकर पेज को अपलोड करे ] पर्वत्ता: / सूर्योदय: / गृहे / जले / मस्त्यौ / वृक्षौ / पुष्पाणि/ तरत: / वातावरण / रविकिरणा:​


Answered by llCuteChorill


Trigonometric Ratios are defined as the values of all the trigonometric functions based on the value of the ratio of sides in a right-angled triangle. The ratios of sides of a right-angled triangle with respect to any of its acute angles are known as the trigonometric ratios of that particular angle.

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