Hindi, asked by swati87493827, 3 months ago

अधोलिखितेषु क्रियापदेषु प्रयुक्ता: लकार, वचनं, पुरुषं च लिखता (निम्नलिखित क्रियापदों में प्रयुक्त लकार, वचत तथा पुरुष लिखिए) write the tense, personand number used in the following words.
क्रियापदाः वचनम लकारः
1. आगच्छतु प्रणमामि 2. 3. प्रणमामः 4. भवति 5. 6. त्यजत् तिष्ठन्तु गच्छन्ति 7. 8. आगच्छताम्​


Answered by yadavsmita814


hdj this email has to have you heard from anyone have a look forward for me akend to a different story about this and the same as I


hande a great weekend so much better for me don't have a few years 3

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